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How to do Entity Validation with EF Core

Data validation in API’s is crucial task yet is often overlooked, with Entity Framework Core entity data validation is made easier and it can also be expanded upon to provide robust solutions


What is this Directory.Build.props file all about?

With introduction of MsBuild we can now manage all these property settings and more in a single file that we can place in the Root of our solution directory along our solution file and it will be applied to all projects defined in the solution automatically.

dotnet core

How to use the Strategy Pattern in C#

The strategy design pattern splits the behavior (there are many behaviors) of a class from the class itself. This has some advantages, but the main draw back is that a client must understand how the Strategies differ.

State Management using Dapr

Statement management can be a key aspect of any application design. It tends to cover a broad range data storage capabilities in your application, which may include accessing files on the file system or accessing a database of some description, with the purpose of manipulating the state of an object.

In this article we’ll explore how to create a simple state management microservice using dapr

dotnet core

C# Records – The good, bad & ugly

C# 9.0 introduces record types, a reference type that provides synthesized methods to provide value semantics for equality. Dive in deeper to understand what this means

How to use Github actions to build & deploy Github nuget packages

GitHub Actions enables the user to create custom Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) workflows in their GitHub repositories. Enabling the repository owner to write individual actions and then combine them to create a custom workflows of their choice for their project. These workflows could be anything that software developers would want to typically automate in their day to day processes.

dotnet core

What is CQRS?

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) specifies that different data models should be used to for updating the database and read from the database. Command and Query are two operations which infer read and write respectively

How to use Github repository templates

A template repository is a convenient tool start developing new projects with pre-configured starting template with all dependencies, structure and customised automation processes predefined and ready for coding.

dotnet core

How to use MediatR Pipeline Behaviours

MediatR Pipeline behaviours were introduced in Version 3, enabling you execute validation or logging logic before and after your Command or Query Handlers execute, resulting in your handlers only having to deal with Valid requests in your CQRS implementation


How to run docker compose files in Rider

JetBrains Rider provides Docker support using the Docker plugin. The plugin is bundled and enabled by default. For more information. In this post we’ll walk through the process of running a docker compose files in Rider.

dotnet core

The Mediator Pattern

Mediator pattern is used to reduce communication complexity between multiple objects or classes. The pattern provides a mediator class which handles all the communications between different classes and supports easy maintenance of the code by loose coupling.