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How to use Github repository templates

A template repository is a convenient tool start developing new projects with pre-configured starting template with all dependencies, structure and customised automation processes predefined and ready for coding.

How to create a git repository

Learn more about advanced fit configuration options to configure your git environment to manage your content and interactions
summary: In this tutorial we’ll guide you through the process on how to configure git and explore different options available

How to install Git on Linux

A tutorial to guide software developers through the steps required to install and configure Git distributed version control system on Debian based Linux distributions.
summary: Walk-through guide to install and configure git for use on your Ubuntu and Debian based Linux

What is Git

Git is a popular version control system to help software developers maintain a version history of their code

dotnet core

How to create nuget package .net core

Tutorial on how to create a NuGet package using the .NET Core CLI, and then publish their NuGet package to the site, including how to set up a CI/CD pipeline