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C# Tuples

Exploring the Tuples the New C# 7 language feature learning both the Advantages and limitations of this great language enhancement.

You are not a DevOps Engineer

This is post is a little rant, about the IT industry and how we grab onto the coat tails of terms and play buzz word bingo with job boards.   The latest term that has me mildly annoyed is the term DevOps Engineer!

Setting up SSH keys for GitHub Access

SSH keys provide a secure connection to Git Hub without the need to enter your username and password every time you want to connect and download code from Git Hub repository.

How to Get back your online privacy

The downside to all this advertising on websites is that they are often distracting, especially if you are in work mode, and inevitably it means your users are being tracked and their privacy invaded . All in the hope that you can generate a little revenue.