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What are some Advanced Git Configuration Options

In How To Install Git On Linux we learned how to install Git and complete some basic configuration. In this post we'll expand on this knowledge gained and add some further configuration and look at some key required items and significant optional items.

Understanding git commands

How To Install Git On Linux we already started using some git commands using the terminal window command line.

We'll continue using terminal window and the command line to learn Git and all the associated commands. The reason for this is that learning Git command line is the most universally applicable method to use the tool.

The general format of a Git command is as follows:

git <git-options> <command> <command-options> <operands> 
gitExecute git applicationgit
<git-options>global options to specify function to executegit --version
<command>command to executegit add
<command-options>specified command optionsgit commit -m "some comment"
<operands>Items for command operationgit add *.js

Understanding the difference between Plumbing and Porcelain

The Pro Git book, Second Edition has a great chapter on explaining the different commands available in Git and the reasoning behind naming convention used in the categorisation. I won't dwell too deeply on this, and recommend reading that chapter and even buying the book as desktop companion as you continue to explore and work with Git.

Git was initially a toolkit for a version control system rather than a full user-friendly VCS, it has a number of
subcommands that do low-level work and were designed to be chained together UNIX-style or called from scripts. These
commands are generally referred to as Git’s plumbing commands, while the more user-friendly commands are
called porcelain commands.

Pro Git book, Second Edition

The origin of Porcelain & Plumbing commands comes from Linus Torvalds and the metaphor translates to directly to you toilet. In that everybody knows how to use the toilet, and for 90% of our interactions with the toilet, we will never have to know exactly how it works or what actually happens, for the most part most users don't care. We use the toilet (Porcelain) to do what we need to do, flush and move on.

Only very occassionally do we have to deal with and issue, like a blockage, burst pipe or some other issue, and only then do we need some advanced knowledge or
do some maintenance task (Plumbing) .

In git the commands are divided up into the two categories:

  • Porcelain - High Level tasks an average user will be most interested in, the most common operations.
  • Plumbing - Low level tasks administrators need to use for more advanced use cases and maintenance.

Git Porcelain Commands

Porcelain commands aggregate functionality of plumbing commands and certain options and sequences to make things simpler.

For most software developers, make use of just Porcelain commands they will accomplish the tasks they need too.

addadd file contents to the index
bisectFind by binary search the change that introduced a bug
branchList, create or delete branches
checkoutSwitch branches or restore working tree files.
cherryFind commits yet to be applied to upstream
cherry-pickApply the changes introduced by some existing commits
cloneclone a repository into a new repository
commitRecord changes to the repository
configGet and set repository or global options
diffShow changes between commits, commits and working tree etc.
fetchDownload objects and refs from another repository
grepPrint lines matching a pattern
helpDisplay help information
logShow commit logs
mergeJoin two or more development histories together
mvMove or rename a file, directory or symlink
pullFetch from, or integrate with another repository or local branch
pushUpdate remote refs along with associated objects
rebaseForward-port local commits to the updated upstream head.
rerereReuse recorded resolution for merged conflicts.
resetReset current HEAD to the specified state
revertRevert some existing commits
rmRemove files form the working tree and from the index
showShow various types of objects
statusShow various types of objects
submoduleInitialise, update or inspect submodules
subtreeMerge subtrees and split repositories into subtrees
tagCreate, list, delete or verify a tagged object
worktreeManage multiple working trees

Git Plumbing Commands

Git Plumbing commands have names that indicate an action and an object to operate against as opposed to the simpler naming of the porcelain commands.

cat-fileProvide content or type and size information for repository objects.
commit-treeCreate a new commit object.
count-objectsCount an unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption.
diff-indexCompare a tree to the working tree or index.
for-each-refOutput information on each ref.
hash-objectCompute object ID and optionally create a blob from a file.
Is-filesShow information about files in the index and working tree
merge-baseFind as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
read-treeRead tree information into the index
rev-listList commit objects in reverse chronological order
rev-parsePick out and massage parameters.
show-refList references in a local repository
symbolic-refRead, modify , delete symbolic refs
update-indexRegister file contents int the working tree to the index
update-refUpdate the object name stored in a ref safely
verify-packValidate packed Git Archive files
write-treeCreate a tree object for the current index

Specifying Arguments

Git commands can be supplied arguments, to provide additional information and data for the command to act upon. The arguments can either be full words or abbreviations. It is important to take note that there is a difference in the number of hyphens to be supplied when using either abbreviations or full words. i.e. when using abbreviations a single hyphen - is required but when using full words a double hyphen -- is required.

# using the delete argument with abbreviation on branch command 
git branch -D feature/somebranch

# using the full word
git branch --delete feature/somebranch

Abbreviated arguments may be passed in together, as in -am instead of -a -m. When arguments are combined in this way, the ordering is important. If the first argument requires a value, then the second argument may be taken as the required value instead of an additional argument.

# Using the following two git abbreviations on the with the git commit command
# is essentially saying "Git Commit All Changed Files with the following message"
git commit -am "Some commit message"


Git has a helpful auto-completion feature that will enable developers to do two things:

  • Provide valid values for the commands or arguments —if there is more than one valid option.
  • Automatically complete the command or argument — if there is only one valid option.

Ironically, this feature is enabled by default for Windows users. However, for Most Linux and Mac users it is not enabled by default.

This will be the first part of advanced configuration we should when setting up our Git environment to work with.

How to enable Git Autocomplete on Linux

Autocompletion in Git enables you to hit TAB and a git command will be autocompleted for you. If there are multiple commands that match what you typed so far, you can hit Tab two times, and Bash displays a list of all possible completions. The same works for variables and filenames, but not for the many commands Git provides.

The contained completion routines provide support for completing:

  • local and remote branch names
  • local and remote tag names
  • .git/remotes file names
  • git subcommands
  • git email aliases for git-send-email
  • tree paths within ref:path/to/file expressions
  • file paths within current working directory and index
  • common --long-options

The first thing we need to do is download the autocomplete file from the Git - Github repository we'll do this using cURL. We're going to download this file to our $HOME directory and name it .git_autocomplete
we'll do this all in one lines://s

curl -o .git_autocomplete

Once the download is complete we need to edit out .bashrc file, which we can do using any text editor, in my case I'll use nano

nano ~/.bashrc

We need to add some additional lines to check if our new file exists load it up so we can use the commands contained in our session.

So somewhere in .bashrc find a place to add the code below. I usually create a section in my .bashrc where I have all these file loads

Once you save and exit the file, we can just reload our .bashrc in our current terminal by using . ~/.bashrc or closing the terminal and opening a new one.

The autocomplete now enables you to easily explore git commands and their options. For instance when we want to explore what options we can set when configuring the Global git options, we can enter git config --global user. and TAB TAB and be presented with the list of available options we can set.

if [ -f ~/.git_autocomplete ]; then<br>. ~/.git_autocomplete<br>fi

The autocomplete functionality enables you to explore any commands and available options just by using the TAB TAB combination. Later, it will also enable you to search and list all available branches. Taking the time to configure this functionality pays for itself once you start using git on the command line.

Configuring your user details

In How to install git on Linux we touched on how to configure global username and email and where git stores these configuration values. Git expects these two values to be set, regardless of which interface or version of Git you use, because Git is a source management system , and its primary purpose is to track changes by users over time, it wants to know who is making those changes so that it can record them.

If you don't specify these values, then Git will interpolate them from the signed-on userid and machine name. Chances are this is not what you want to have the system ultimately use. If you forget to set these values initially on a new system, and commits are recorded with the interpolated values, there is a way to go back and correct this information, using the commit command with the --amend and --reset-author options.

These values can be set making use of the git config command

shell script git config --global "Your Name"

git config --global ""

Configuration Scope

The global option is a way of telling Git how broadly this configuration setting should be used—which repositories it should apply to.

The Git model has been designed for many, smaller repositories instead of fewer, monolithic ones. Therefore users may normally be working with multiple repositories, it would be inconvenient and subject to error to have to configure the same settings in each repository. As a result, Git provides options to simplify choosing the scope for configuration values.

There are three levels available for configuration:

  • System
  • Global
  • Local


Configuration value applies to all repositories on a given system unless it's overridden at a lower level. These settings apply regardless of the particular user.

System-wide configurations Configuration at this level affects every user and every user's repository.


Configuration values apply to all repositories for a particular user, unless overridden at the local level. Unless you need repository-specific settings, this is the most common level for users to work with because it saves the effort of having to set values for each repository.

User-wide configurations configuration at this level affects every user's repository.


Configuration value at the local level apply to the context of a repository. This can be useful in cases where you need to specify unique settings that are particular to one repository. It can also be useful if you need to temporarily override a higher-level setting.

repository only configurations configuration at this level, only the repository.

Typo Auto Correction

If you're going to be using Git on the command line and if your typing is as awful and inaccurate as mine, then you'll no doubt benefit from Git's embedded autocorrection but you will have to enable it!

To do this we need to modify the help.autocorrection property to define how many tenths of a second Git will wait before running the assumed command.

git config --global help.autocorrect 10


We have outlined the common advanced Git configuration settings that will make your life easier using Git on the command line.

It is important to remember to always be careful editing the Git config files, because if you incorrectly edit any of these files, you just might ruin your entire Linux Git configuration.

Gary Woodfine
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