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learning dapr

Book Review : Learning Dapr

authoritative guide to Dapr, the distributed application runtime that works with new and existing programming languages alike. Written by the model’s creators, this introduction shows you how Dapr not only unifies stateless, stateful, and actor programming models but also runs everywhere—in the cloud or on the edge.

How services work in Dapr

how to implement services and invoke them from other applications, which can be either aware of Dapr as they rely on its SDK or unaware of the presence of Dapr as they just invoke a local HTTP endpoint

dotnet core

How to create project templates in .net core

The simplicity of the .net core packing and publishing tool, enables you simply use what you’re already doing to make doing what you’re already doing faster. No need to learn a new complex template language.

dotnet core

The Builder Pattern .net core

Builder Pattern is useful for encapsulating and abstracting the creation of objects. It is distinct from the more common Factory Pattern because the Builder Pattern contains methods of customising the creation of an object.

dotnet core Core 2.2 JWT Authentication tutorial

Cookies are stale. These days there are better solutions for user authentication, which solve the headaches cookies cause with mobile and single-page applications.

Check out how to make use of JWT token authentication in .net core.

dotnet core

How to create nuget package .net core

Tutorial on how to create a NuGet package using the .NET Core CLI, and then publish their NuGet package to the site, including how to set up a CI/CD pipeline

dotnet core

Manage Project and Package References with .net CLI

Learning how to use the .net Core CLI is helpful when learning to manage and edit .net core based applications across different operating systems. In this article we take a look at how easy it is to Manage and Edit project and package references making use of the .net CLI