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Microservices Patterns

Book Review: Microservices Patterns

Microservice Patterns teaches enterprise developers and architects how to build applications with the microservice architecture. This book also teaches readers how to refactor a monolithic application to a microservice architecture.

State Management using Dapr

Statement management can be a key aspect of any application design. It tends to cover a broad range data storage capabilities in your application, which may include accessing files on the file system or accessing a database of some description, with the purpose of manipulating the state of an object.

In this article we’ll explore how to create a simple state management microservice using dapr

dotnet core

What is CQRS?

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) specifies that different data models should be used to for updating the database and read from the database. Command and Query are two operations which infer read and write respectively

learning dapr

Book Review : Learning Dapr

authoritative guide to Dapr, the distributed application runtime that works with new and existing programming languages alike. Written by the model’s creators, this introduction shows you how Dapr not only unifies stateless, stateful, and actor programming models but also runs everywhere—in the cloud or on the edge.

How services work in Dapr

how to implement services and invoke them from other applications, which can be either aware of Dapr as they rely on its SDK or unaware of the presence of Dapr as they just invoke a local HTTP endpoint

Getting started with .net core microservices with dapr

Dapr is an event-driven, portable runtime created by Microsoft as an open source initiative. Due to the fact that Dapr is event-driven it plays an important role in microservices as the applications can be designed to efficiently react to events from external systems or other parts of the solution, and also produce events in order to inform other services of new facts to continue their processing.

Book Review : Building Microservices

Developing Micro-Services is all the rage now, and there is certainly a lot of hype around the key concept. Possibly many teams are engaged in the process of splitting their monolithic applications down and re-implementing them as Microservices. The trouble is there are so many conflicting idea, philosophies, ideologies and misunderstandings of what the hell Microservices even are!

dotnet core

Developing Api’s using Http Endpoints

MVC Controllers are essentially an anti-pattern. They’re dinosaurs. They are collections of methods that never call one another and rarely operate on the same state. They’re not cohesive.

What are Microservices

The microservice architecture enables the rapid, frequent and reliable delivery of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.