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How to create Github profile page

A walk-through on how to create a GitHub profile and customise it to make your Github profile stand out and attract prospective clients and employers

How to use Github actions to build & deploy Github nuget packages

GitHub Actions enables the user to create custom Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) workflows in their GitHub repositories. Enabling the repository owner to write individual actions and then combine them to create a custom workflows of their choice for their project. These workflows could be anything that software developers would want to typically automate in their day to day processes.

How to use Github repository templates

A template repository is a convenient tool start developing new projects with pre-configured starting template with all dependencies, structure and customised automation processes predefined and ready for coding.

How to create a git repository

Learn more about advanced fit configuration options to configure your git environment to manage your content and interactions
summary: In this tutorial we’ll guide you through the process on how to configure git and explore different options available

How to install Git on Linux

A tutorial to guide software developers through the steps required to install and configure Git distributed version control system on Debian based Linux distributions.
summary: Walk-through guide to install and configure git for use on your Ubuntu and Debian based Linux

dotnet core

How to create nuget package .net core

Tutorial on how to create a NuGet package using the .NET Core CLI, and then publish their NuGet package to the site, including how to set up a CI/CD pipeline

Setting up SSH keys for GitHub Access

SSH keys provide a secure connection to Git Hub without the need to enter your username and password every time you want to connect and download code from Git Hub repository.