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Software Development

dotnet core

How to use Factory Method Design Pattern in C#

Factory Pattern creates objects, in this post we will implement the factory design pattern in a C# application. Using the Factory pattern, we develop an abstraction that isolates the logic for determining which type of class to create.

What is Clean Code

What is Clean Code ?

Clean code and the practices are about eliminating or at least attempting to reduce complexity. Although clean code solutions may seem elegant and efficient, they are not always easy and are often the direct result of combating complexity!

How to install Laravel on Ubuntu

Detailed instructions on how to install laravel 5.6 on ubuntu 18.04 , with additional instructions of how to get up and running with Homestead on ubuntu.

How to install Laravel 5.6 on Ubuntu 16.04

How to instructions to install Laravel 5.6 on a Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop in order to quickly start developing PHP Web Applications using Laravel. These instructions do not include having to install any virtual machine managers in order to run Laravel 5.6 on your ubuntu development workstation.

Introduction to Python

Python is an open-source , general-purpose, multi-paradigm, high level and interpreted programming language that provides programmers the ability to use various styles of programming to create complex or simple programs. In this post we discuss why it is a beneficial language to learn

dotnet core

How to create nuget package .net core

Tutorial on how to create a NuGet package using the .NET Core CLI, and then publish their NuGet package to the site, including how to set up a CI/CD pipeline

dotnet core

Manage Project and Package References with .net CLI

Learning how to use the .net Core CLI is helpful when learning to manage and edit .net core based applications across different operating systems. In this article we take a look at how easy it is to Manage and Edit project and package references making use of the .net CLI