Install virtualbox 5.0 on ubuntu
Virtualbox is a very simple & powerful virtualization tool that is used to create & manage Virtual Machines. Virtual is released and managed by Oracle.… Read More »Install virtualbox 5.0 on ubuntu
Virtualbox is a very simple & powerful virtualization tool that is used to create & manage Virtual Machines. Virtual is released and managed by Oracle.… Read More »Install virtualbox 5.0 on ubuntu
JavaScript is an awesome language but at the same time JavaScript is a frustrating language. Every developer will have this love hate relationship with JavaScript.… Read More »JavaScript Objects
The downside to all this advertising on websites is that they are often distracting, especially if you are in work mode, and inevitably it means your users are being tracked and their privacy invaded . All in the hope that you can generate a little revenue.
I review my purchase of Viglen Genie Desktop PC Ubuntu Linux
I came across a situation today where I needed to mix two different authentication types on MVC 4 application. The reason for this being… Read More »Mixing windows & forms authentication
Walkthrough guide and Instructions on how to remove ignored files that have been erroneously committed to your local staging area of your git repository
AngularJS comes pre-packaged with a number of great directives that really make working with AngularJS really easy and productive. However, as with all programming languages… Read More »angularjs directives : roll your own
AngularJS Directives Speak to any developer who has used angular and ask him what is his favourite element of AngularJS, no doubt the answer would… Read More »AngularJS Directives : Reusable components
Interviews in any profession are notoriously difficult and lets be honest nobody either side of the desk likes going through the motions. This post is my opinion on why the process is fundamentally broken.
Over the past few years the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern, and many other variants based around the same central theme i.e. Model View… Read More »AngularJS Architectural concepts
Introduction of AJAX ( Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology to the Internet has transformed static websites into dynamic web applications. However the fundamental building block… Read More »event driven architecture node.js
With the right work structure, distributed teams can easily surpass the productivity of a traditional team. Using effective tools and apps to manage and communicate is vital to achieving success, as is creating an onboarding process and environment that builds a positive team culture while enabling greater productivity and collaboration
A brief discussion providing details of what is the mean stack and its uses and advantages
A tutorial on JavaScript Functions with examples of javascript functions and argument patterns.
When writing SQL scripts it’s always a good idea to write them with the thought in mind that we will have to end up re-running… Read More »How to check if schema exists in SQL server database before creating
If you have followed along with any of my previous posts on how to block referrer spam from affecting your website analytics, you have successfully… Read More »How to filter referrer spam from google analytics historical data
The following is a list of know referrer spammers which is updated as soon as new URLs become known. [ebs_well type="well-lg"]
** Important notice **
The sites listed below may be unaware that they have been involved in a referrer spam attack. They may have been implicated by some low grade SEO consultancies who have attempted to improve traffic count to the sites by using referrer spam approaches.
If your site appears in a referrer spam list then you need to take action against the your SEO consultancy or the whoever has implicated your website in a referrer spam attack
[/ebs_well] Read More »List of Referrer spammers
Spammers devised shady methods to draw traffic to their sites, ‘referrer spam’, also known as referral spam, log spam or referrer bombing. The traffic a website receives, the more opportunities there are to encourage more conversions and revenue, as well as to improve ranking.
A guide to block referrer spam Detailed instructions on how to effectively start blocking referrer spam from your website and to stop affecting analytics reports.… Read More »How to block referrer spam
If you are constantly updating your linux installation you may find over time that your boot partition may be running out of space and if… Read More »Remove All Unused Linux Kernel Headers, Images and Modules from ubuntu boot