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How to do Entity Validation with EF Core

Data validation in API’s is crucial task yet is often overlooked, with Entity Framework Core entity data validation is made easier and it can also be expanded upon to provide robust solutions


What is this Directory.Build.props file all about?

With introduction of MsBuild we can now manage all these property settings and more in a single file that we can place in the Root of our solution directory along our solution file and it will be applied to all projects defined in the solution automatically.

Book Review: Dependency Injection

presents core DI patterns in plain C#, so you’ll fully understand how DI works, covers integration with standard Microsoft technologies like ASP.NET MVC, and teaches you to use DI frameworks like Structure Map, Castle Windsor, and Unity.

dotnet core

How to use the Strategy Pattern in C#

The strategy design pattern splits the behavior (there are many behaviors) of a class from the class itself. This has some advantages, but the main draw back is that a client must understand how the Strategies differ.

State Management using Dapr

Statement management can be a key aspect of any application design. It tends to cover a broad range data storage capabilities in your application, which may include accessing files on the file system or accessing a database of some description, with the purpose of manipulating the state of an object.

In this article we’ll explore how to create a simple state management microservice using dapr


How to run docker compose files in Rider

JetBrains Rider provides Docker support using the Docker plugin. The plugin is bundled and enabled by default. For more information. In this post we’ll walk through the process of running a docker compose files in Rider.

How to use Cake with Rider

Cake is a build automation system for .NET Developers to script their build processes using a C# Domain Specific Language (DSL). In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of Cake and its major features with a concrete working example to achieve a flexible, maintainable, automated build process.


C# Tuples

Exploring the Tuples the New C# 7 language feature learning both the Advantages and limitations of this great language enhancement.