Unit Testing with .net core
An opinionated overview and insight into the unit testing capabilities in .net core
An opinionated overview and insight into the unit testing capabilities in .net core
Details on how to reverse engineer a MySql database using EF Core and resolve exceptions generated.
Check out this comprehensive, insightful review of the seminal book by Douglas Crockford—JavaScript: The Good Parts. Does it live up to the hype?
a high-level view of how the Simple Factory Pattern works in C# and .net core.
an example of how to develop .NET Core console applications using IHost, generic interface to develop headless services.
how to use the Configuration API in .net core to access configuration data in Console Applications.
Quick tips on how to use gulp to automate common development workflow tasks.
catalogs a collection of software design patterns commonly used when developing enterprise software applications
How to use Entity Framework core in-memory and Sql Lite in-memory database options for unit tests.
Tutorial on how to create a NuGet package using the .NET Core CLI, and then publish their NuGet package to the nuget.org site, including how to set up a CI/CD pipeline
A detailed discussion on the implementation of a Generic Repository pattern for .net core entity framework.
Learning how to use the .net Core CLI is helpful when learning to manage and edit .net core based applications across different operating systems. In this article we take a look at how easy it is to Manage and Edit project and package references making use of the .net CLI
an example of how to use reflection to retrieve a list of classes that implement a specific interface and then execute a method on that interface.
A guide to configuring ASP.net MVC Core Application to use Redis Session store developing a custom provider
Introducing the serverless computing and framework and how to build a Twitter automation bot using AWS lambda function as a service with node.js.
Exploring the Tuples the New C# 7 language feature learning both the Advantages and limitations of this great language enhancement.
A how to guide using Automapper in a DotNetCore Web Api project
A quick how to guide on implementing seeding in an EF Core database project.