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dotnet core

The Prototype Design Pattern C# .net core

The Prototype Design Pattern is one of the Creational Design Patterns defined by the Gang Of Four (GOF) published their book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software in which they presented a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems.

dotnet core

The Builder Pattern .net core

Builder Pattern is useful for encapsulating and abstracting the creation of objects. It is distinct from the more common Factory Pattern because the Builder Pattern contains methods of customising the creation of an object.

dotnet core Core 2.2 JWT Authentication tutorial

Cookies are stale. These days there are better solutions for user authentication, which solve the headaches cookies cause with mobile and single-page applications.

Check out how to make use of JWT token authentication in .net core.

dotnet core

How to use Factory Method Design Pattern in C#

Factory Pattern creates objects, in this post we will implement the factory design pattern in a C# application. Using the Factory pattern, we develop an abstraction that isolates the logic for determining which type of class to create.

What is Clean Code

What is Clean Code ?

Clean code and the practices are about eliminating or at least attempting to reduce complexity. Although clean code solutions may seem elegant and efficient, they are not always easy and are often the direct result of combating complexity!