Why I use Linux as my developer platform
Detailing how and why I use Linux as my primary operating system even though I am primarily a Dotnet Developer
Detailing how and why I use Linux as my primary operating system even though I am primarily a Dotnet Developer
Quick tutorial on how to enable access to the microk8s dashboard externally without having to use dashboard-proxy
Homebrew has spawned several sub-projects such as Linuxbrew, a Linux port now officially merged into Homebrew; Homebrew Cask, which builds upon Homebrew and focuses on the installation of GUI applications and taps dedicated to specific areas or programming languages and Frameworks like PHP & NodeJS etc.
JetBrains Rider provides Docker support using the Docker plugin. The plugin is bundled and enabled by default. For more information. In this post we’ll walk through the process of running a docker compose files in Rider.
Dapr is an event-driven, portable runtime created by Microsoft as an open source initiative. Due to the fact that Dapr is event-driven it plays an important role in microservices as the applications can be designed to efficiently react to events from external systems or other parts of the solution, and also produce events in order to inform other services of new facts to continue their processing.
Learn more about advanced fit configuration options to configure your git environment to manage your content and interactions
summary: In this tutorial we’ll guide you through the process on how to configure git and explore different options available
Orchard Core is a redevelopment of the free, open source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.
A quick post to explain how to update the Anaconda Navigator making use of the terminal commands available
We take a look at using AWS Comprehend to start developing a Custom Name Entity Recognition utility to re-use in our software projects
A review of the System76 Darter Pro laptop from a software developers perspective
Step by step guide on how to Configure an AWS Lightsail Ubuntu server to deploy an ASP.net core website
Details on how to reverse engineer a MySql database using EF Core and resolve exceptions generated.
A quick time saving tutorial how to resize your virtual box VM Disk size on your ubuntu linux desktop
A detailed step by step on how to install configure cake on a ubuntu headless server to build ASP.net core applications
Easy to follow concise & detailed steps required to install .net core on a headless Ubuntu 16.x server
set up a Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment DevOps environment for a ASP.net Core project. How to install Team City 10.x on a Ubuntu 16.X server
A quick tip to explain how to copy the content of your PHPInfo file to your clipboard from the terminal.
A quick tip to get pbcopy alias configured on your ubuntu in order to copy standard input from the terminal